IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Meeting Minutes, Club Chit-Chat, and Fishing Reports will be listed if you are a member of Chapter 50. If you are a member, and you cannot see the reports after logging in, please use the contact form by selecting the floating envelope icon located in the bottom-right corner. Include your name and your Chapter 50 membership number. We will verify, and grant you special rights to view all. Alternatively, you may email us at muskiesincpennjersey @ gmail .
5:14 pm
February 19, 2004
April 8, 2004
Muskies Inc Chapter 50 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: 16
1) Visit to the Mount Pleasant, PA hatchery was discussed. This hatchery raises 20,000 tigers and 60,000 pures. Numbers provided by hatchery:
a) It takes five pounds of minnows to feed one pound of fingerlings.
b) One pound of 3” minnows contains quantity 300-350
c) One pound of 3” minnows costs apx $1.00
d) One pound of fingerlings is 15-20 fish
So, that being said….if $5.00 feeds 1 pound (20 fingerlings)
a) 3000 fingerlings (150 pounds) x 3 feedings = $2250
b) 15,000 fingerlings (750 pounds) x 1 feeding= $3750
c) 20,000 tigers (1000 pounds) x 1 feeding = $5000
d) 60,000 pures (3000 pounds) x 1 feeding = $15,000
The possibility of raising our own minnows on a property, such as a pond donated by Stoney Creek Club, a private pond owner, or a purchased piece of land.
Stocking assignments by species were also discussed and a list of same was given out to all in attendance.
Other things discussed with the hatchery were our involvement with float-stocking and the benefits of same. Hatchery can only give us two weeks notice and can stock two locations per day. Eleven club members volunteered to participate in the fall float-stocking.
2) It was announced that Legend Lures and Pastikas will be our new sponsors. Web site banners will be made for Some lure manufacturers have offered the club lures at cost.
3) Shimano Rod raffle will be offered at the next club meeting. A thank you card to Shimano, for their generous donation of several rods, was distributed and signed.
4) Spring Tournament was agreed on for May 23rd at Lake Nockamixon. We will need to file paper work and get approval from the Park.
5) Discussed possibility of Fall Guide for a day as a fund raiser.
6) Winner of Antons / Guided trip Raffle was announced. Jim Worrell No.306 of Marlton NJ is the winner.
7) Four lure packages were raffled off.
8) General discussions about Pittsburgh Expo and where everyone is fishing this upcoming weekend.
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