IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Meeting Minutes, Club Chit-Chat, and Fishing Reports will be listed if you are a member of Chapter 50. If you are a member, and you cannot see the reports after logging in, please use the contact form by selecting the floating envelope icon located in the bottom-right corner. Include your name and your Chapter 50 membership number. We will verify, and grant you special rights to view all. Alternatively, you may email us at muskiesincpennjersey @ gmail .
10:53 pm
Things that make you go hmmmm mmmm 15 view I guess you viewers have no opinion you are members arent you ? I have been into muskies for a long time. Watching jersey grow some nice waters and wondering how it can be better closer to home. Well I believe we have succeded in improving our local waters so far we will see which ones work and which ones dont , fish dont grow over night.
Pennsylvanias muskie men and women have the ear of the Pa fish commish who would have thought they would listen.
This is just a muskie club !....... that is making a huge difference. The future is more and bigger fish closer to home. <<<<><<< Musky Matt L
11:21 pm
March 22, 2004
Well, I was one of the earlier 15 viewers and was taking the time to contemplate my reply. The biggest obstacle to growing this club, as far as I'm concerned, is apathy of the current members. There is a core group who is always willing to lend a hand and do what it takes to get things done. I'm not going to name names because those who do, know it, and those who don't, know it as well. Paying your dues to International and occassionally showing up at a meeting does not constitute an active member of any organization and until the current membership starts stepping up then how are we going to attract any other quality members?
My biggest fear is that those who are currently motivated, involved and doing what needs to be done are going to reach a "burn out" point and then the apathy of the others will be the general rule of thumb and this chapter will roll into the pages of Muskies, Inc.'s history as a footnote.
Everybody has a life and obligations that don't allow them to be on hand at every activity or to lend a hand, month in and month out, but sacrificing some time to the betterment of this resource is what the word "commitment" is all about.
The only thing that I can say is that those who work to better the habitat, the stocking of fingerlings, raising the funds needed to keep this chapter going are going to be the ones that have the right to take pride, four or five years from now, in the 40+ inch fish that will be swimming the waters and banging the lures of every musky fisherman in this area; the others who enjoy such success will simply be a part of the apathetic majority. But, I guess, that is life. It sucks!!! Thank you very much and have a pleasant day!!!!
2:32 pm
May 19, 2004
[[%&]]As with anything in life, the 80/20 rule holds true here. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. It also works that 20% of the members account for 80% of the fish caught. Time and effort go hand in hand.
What makes someone more valuable than someone else? Do we all have to give up our personal lives for muskies? I would think not. Yet we all are part of this club and contribute in different ways. Whether we attend a couple of meetings or every stocking/outing/event that the club supports, we are all members of this club.
I don't feel there is apathy or burn-out among our members. I am grateful for the guys who CAN show up for all of these events. I wish I could :'(.
The way to make this club grow is to channel everyones strengths. Be grateful for the part of the members who attend when they can. Be especially thankful for our dedicated members.
We will grow. We will continue to do great things for the muskie fishery. Be thankful we all care.
We may only see what we look for.
5:47 pm
February 7, 2005
Like DL, I was one of the early 15 viewers, and I also considered it wise to give some thought before replying. To use one of DL's terms, KUDOS to matt, DL, and Barry on their responses. All are correct. Our goal is to improve muskie fishing in our local waters, and we've made great efforts in that area. We're on the right track there. DL is also right about apathy being one of our problems, but there is little can be done about it.(I don't want to open the givers-vs-takers argument, but this is an example where it applies, also) As for growth, large membership may impress some, but it's the number of active members that really matters. Let's grow by letting everyone know that we are here, what we do to improve local fisheries, and ask them to join us. If they are interested they'll join, and hopefully will join our efforts as well, not just to suck all the info they can from us. If you have to beg them to join, you'll have to beg them for everything else, too.
Fred Jones Sr.
12:33 am
I think this club is headed in a great direction and I'm very excited to be a part of it. I've been a member of several different types of hunting and fishing clubs but this group of guys are by far the most dedicated I've seen. The timing is perfect with the PA Fish Comm. wanting to improve musky fishing and our club here to assisst.It's only gonna get better from here!
6:50 pm
April 17, 2011
I am glad Tom put this post up on the board. Asking this question is not a once a year or monthly event. We should always be thinking of ways to improve our club our just think of how our club is "living". My friends, (as I feel that everyone I have met at the club so far I would consider a friend) this club is no different then starting a small company. A group of bright eyed and hard working people looking to make a dream a reality. Along with this reality comes frustrations and hardships on growing / maintaining this club into a well established / running organization (be it small or large). We are at this inflection point. We can remain relatively "small" but highly productive with the members we have, but we risk the potential for burnout of members (and that will happen regardless of whether we change or not - its natural for people to get burnout - think of how many different jobs/ careers / wives we have had over time). What we need to do is prepare the club to "live" beyond us. How can we make the club bigger then the few? We need to mechanize everything (we need to document everything we do and streamline the club). This may sound difficult, but its pretty easy. If everyone knows of their responsibilities and everything is maintained on file (in a notebook on a labtap, etc.) then we can keep members fresh by allowing others to contribute that may not currently know how or be willing to take on an unknown role with unlimmited accountability / responsibility. I suggest that we start the process. Each officer or person that is performing a role for the club, write down what you do as if your letting a 2nd grader take over your role (i.e. part of my job is to call fishmaker and MI22 contact on a monthly or bimonthly basis and provide info to the club on NJ fisheries - so in my write up I will provide phone numbers, internet addresses and questions to ask). I encourage all of the officers and club members to bring your "mechanized" roles on paper to the next meeting or e-mail Dieter with the details. If you have any questions on what to prepare, again - think of a 2nd grader asking you all those questions. If you would like to discuss further, contact Dieter or myself and we can help get the ball rolling. We could even do it over a day of fishing. Once we have created our "playbook" we will find how easy it is to keep the club on course for growth (think of Andy Reid and his master book for success, no different).
Also, we need to take a moment and smell the muskie, I mean the roses.... This club has accomplished a significant number of its short-term goals, specifically making our local fisheries a better muskie fishery as well educating current / future muskie fisherman and providing a great organization for people to join and bond. I am proud to be part of this club. For only being several years old, I feel it is many years the wiser.
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
1:13 am
If what weve acomplished took several years,it would be a good start.But to heve done it in two years,as we have,its something to be proud of.It wasn't that hard when you think about it.We just did what we enjoyed doing.I have a list of things i think we could improve on.MANAGMENT-{maybe start with spell check for some of us}It could be more orginized and info could be put out in a quicker manner.{keep in mind all officers and members have a full time job{some a second job},house,family and would still like to find some time for fishing}MEETINGS-Better attendance would be nice.I'm open for ideas.I beleive most of us like to get together to talk about muskie fishing.Maybe we should go over club issues as quick as possible.Then head to a bar for some drinks and muskie talk?{Tom L's idea}BETTER ATTENDENCE FOR WEEKDAY EVENTS-Again,jobs.Not everyone can take off during the week let alone at the drop of a hat.Lets not forget that.FUTURE GOALS-We still havent provided minnows for pa or seen any holdovers going into eastern waters.I would like to see a yearly logs from members to gather info that we'll give to pa fish comm.{not for public record}A youth outing would be a good way of giving back to the comunity and teaching the youth about catch and release,not catch and eat.Maybe team up with ch22 for an yearly spring banquet.ACOMPLISHMENTS-this is where it can get long.Weve raised thousands of dollers to try and better our fishery.Attended a handfull of events to educate the public about us and muskie fishing.Float stocked-1st year 3 lakes,2nd year5 lakes,3rd year 7-10 lakes?Donated money to NJ for minnows toteling 1200.00 dollers.Had two spring toureys,and are looking at a triple ch challunge.Had a succesfull muskie school making 950 dollers,and taught some valuable lessons.Attended NJ fish forum two years in a row.Put together fish catch and release reports for PFBC.Continue to build lasting relationships with both PFBC and NJDFG.There is more that i dont need to mention.WE ARE A PART OF A 5 CLUB,9 PERSON PANEL TO DETERMINE THE DIRECTION OF MUSKIE FISHING IN PA.How huge is that???So i think weve done alot in a short amount of time.Can we do better,yes.But lets not make it so its not fun to do.I'd like to again thank all our members for doing what they can do.Bob
2:20 am
Has it only been 2 years I feel like I have known you freaking guys my whole life. Bob said alot we have done so much TOGETHER. I started this thread because I see our club going 2 directions and we as group need to know how much we have done TOGETHER. We already have what we need passion for Muskie Fishing and the determination to do what it takes. Thats easy we had that when we started the hard part is working TOGETHER. We have a great group of people and we need to keep us TOGETHER first and worry about everthing else later. Tom
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