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3:35 pm
October 14, 2005
Musky Ed and I are planning to hit this meeting on Wed., and wanted to know if anyone has anything they'd like us to ask them. The seminar's at Luzerne Community College, if anyone would like to come along, give me or Ed a shout. ( It's about a 1 1/2 hr. ride from Lehigh Valley) The more we have in attendance, the better to get across our agenda, and concerns.
Sometimes you've got to "jiggle' it, and sometimes you've got to give it one big
3:23 pm
March 22, 2004
I've nothing specific but I think its great that you and Ed are going. As long as we have a presence, at these meetings, we have a voice. Everything from our willingness to help stock, buy minnows, do habitat improvements and generally advance the commission's causes, can only ensure that we have their ear. When and if we need it to advance our own cause that is. Thanks
5:57 pm
March 2, 2011
A couple of things I want to bring up are:(1) I feel stocking efforts of most species of fish really don't succeed. With as many fish as are stocked each year, fishing should be great. So many anglers I know go out of state to fish. (2)I believe the biggest reason for the failures are the lack of bait/forage fish. I feel there should be an emphasis on restocking these fish to our lakes and reservoirs. (3) Studies show that stocking 4 - 6 inch fingerling muskies is usually a formula for failure. To have a successful stocking program, the fish need to be in the 10 to 12 inch range and have been introduced to minnow eating. (4) Studies also show that stocking Tiger Muskies is generally unsuccessful. They do not reproduce and their life expectancies are short. Money would be better spent on raising and stocking pures.
I just hope we have an ear that is honestly willing to listen. I don't expect there to be a large turn out due to the fact it is Ash Wednesday. So this may give George and I a better opportunity to present our cases. Wish us luck!
Muskyless Ed and I'm overdue!!!
It's warming up a little bit!!!
6:40 pm
Greg, Tom Sabia and I went to the meeting in Pottstown. I was able to talk to Dr Austin before the meeting and after and explained exactly what Ed brings up above. How our stocking at Marsh was a small percentage of stocked Tigers and we are seeing our fish 10-1. I also explained that the fish we put in were 10-14". He totally agreed. We also spoke about how they are reluctant to take our money to help raise bigger fish and he was also surprised and didn't really know anything about it, but told me he would contact Matt about this matter. So hopefully you guys can repeat the same things so he knows its a common concern..
Thanks guys for taking the time to attend.
7:08 pm
October 14, 2005
Any chance to "get into their ears", to relay our concerns about Muskies, is always worth the effort. Like Ed said, maybe with today being Ash Wednesday, they'll be a smaller than normal turnout, and be able to talk with them a little more then usual.
We'll let you guys know how it turned out...
Sometimes you've got to "jiggle' it, and sometimes you've got to give it one big
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